Inner Thoughts

Project Info:

Team size: 6 (4 developers, 2 artists, 2 musicians)

Tools I Used: Unity, Github, Trello and Rider

Description: It is a 2D pixel rogue-lite, where you are in the thoughts of yourself, destroying all the eyes that have infiltrated your mind.

My contribution: I have worked on the UI statemachine, camera controller and the player movement.

Game jam: [20th of August 2023 - 27th of August 2023]

Gameplay Video:

UI Statemachine:

The "UIStatemachine" is static, because you want be able to call it in another script and not want it on an object in the scene. To use it in a scene you need a script that is not static (the "UIStateMachineBehavior"). 

In the inspector, when you're in a state and go to another state. The new state will add itself to the "UIStateMachineBahavior" in the inspector. This way it remembers what states it has and to what it can switch.


In the "UIBaseState", when another state is created and called upon (the moment you switch states by for example press a button). The "OnEnable" function will then add the state to the "UIStateMachineBehavior" lists of states


In the "UIStateMachineBehavior" it updates the states lists that is in the inspector and the ability to change states (by using the change state function of the "UIStateMachine") 


Player Movement & Camera Controller:


The "PlayerMovement" lets the player go up, down, left and right by editing the players x and y coordinates based on the player's input.

When the player moves, the camera follows the player wherever it goes.