Operation Starfall
Project Info:
Project Info:
Team size: 24
Team size: 24
Tools I used: Unity, Trello and Github
Tools I used: Unity, Trello and Github
Description: Operation Starfall is a 2.5D Metroidvania game that is inspired by 80's saterday sci-fi cartoons.
Description: Operation Starfall is a 2.5D Metroidvania game that is inspired by 80's saterday sci-fi cartoons.
My contribution: I have worked on the moodboards for the all the places you can go in the game and worked with Cinemachine.
My contribution: I have worked on the moodboards for the all the places you can go in the game and worked with Cinemachine.
Cinemachine Tests:
Cinemachine Tests:
Here I was testing how to make cinematic black bars, camera animation and what can be done with Cinemachine.Â
Here I was testing how to make cinematic black bars, camera animation and what can be done with Cinemachine.Â
I discoverd that it is easy to switch between camera's with a Timeline. In the Timeline, its easy to add a component like Cinemachine (where you can add different camera's and switch between them). It is also possible to add an object that can be set activated and deactivated in the Timeline. That can also happen with added animations for an object.
Cinemachine Research File (Dutch):
Cinemachine Research File (Dutch):
