Project Info:
Team size: 6 (2 developers, 4 artists)
Tools I used: Unity, Trello, Visual studio, Github
Description: It is a puzzle game, where the main focus is to get the character to the finish.
My contribution: I have worked on the rotation of the level, player movement, making the UI work and the particles.
[June 2022, fourth period of the second year of Media College]
Here I made it that the object will rotate.
It does that by looking at what position it first was and what the new position is.
The "time / duration" makes sure that the object will turn within the duration that it has been given.
Link to script page: Github
Input Parse:
Here I worked with the Unity input system.
I made it so you can rotate, walk and pause the screen with keyboard and playstation/xbox controller.
Link to script page: Github
The First prototype, Here I made it so you can turn the object in all directions.
The third prototype, Here I was working on a simple pause screen and that the object rotates by input of a controller.
The second prototype, here I was working on how to rotate an object 90 degrees every time you turn it.
The final product, Here I put particles in the game with a bloom effect on them. I Also improved the rotation of the object.